Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stand Up! today at 10 a.m.

and let your manager know you deserve a fair contract! Save your lunch tomorrow and make sure to drag as many coworkers as you can over to the Revenue building at noon. We are having a rally and lunch will be provided. This thread is intended for you all to let everyone know what you are doing in your worksite... are you wearing stickers? Did you bring in your purple shirts? did folks stand up at 10 a.m.? did you hold up your signs? Write it down and share.


oz said...

Mac Daddy,

How can we attend a rally at the Revenue building from the far reaches of rural Oregon at any time?

Stickers? What stickers...I have a pretty good union bulletin board about 50 miles from Meacham where you work and I haven't seen any stickers dropped off by you, a steward or any organizer. Matter of fact I haven't seen much in the worksite other than the outdated first proposal of a 1% COLA offered by management from the get go which is still on the B/B...It was stuck up way after the 2% offer hit the table.

I stood up at 10:00 a.m. 06/28/07, SEIU didn't offered me a free lunch; my thermos and cookie had to suffice. I didn't know I was supposed to hold a sign or have a purple shirt which I haven't seen anywhere in ODOT for a couple years out here on the highway. I think ODOT Highway would rather have a safety colored union shirt...

Not one person at my worksite mentioned the action. I would like to have stood up and been counted...The contract is expired now...What do we do punt? I haven't heard if we are working under the old contract with agreement or without a contract completely. Or are we awaiting Kulongoski to declare impasse and get hosed again?

Troy said...

Oz, There were actions across the state and many ODOT members from the Salem area attended (I tried to post some of the pictures). As far as access to stickers I try to get them out to as many people as I can but Eastern Oregon isn't the area I do worksite visits to. If you call your organizer I'm sure he would be happy to drive some out to folks next time they're in your area. And if that doesn't work, email me your address and I'll mail you some. I too think its important that you are counted, let me know what kind of things you are doing to put pressure on management for a fair contract. Now that you've found the blog you should be able to download all the flyers as they come out (I'm trying to post them on here as soon as possible). There is a 30 day extension I believe on the contract in order to finish up bargaining -Troy Barnard

Anonymous said...

Well this is a busy 4th. I've stayed out of the fray until now. It's over. Go straight for the heart. The local sympathy vote is critical now. Oz and people like him/her are critical. They live in every small town across Oregon where management lives and shops and thier kids go to school. When will you wake up and understand that the center of the universe is not in Salem, it's in every small town and city in Oregon.

I mentioned this in another response, the ODOT director is weak and I mean weak. He's as soft as they come and so affected by the political winds that once he starts to feel the pressure he'll cave. Now you may be thinking that it's the ODOT Coalition not just ODOT. Why do you think we call it the ODOT Coalition? Because ODOT is the driver and that means that the ODOT director is vulnerable. We better start putting pressure where it works or we'll get another marginal contract - like all the others. Make no mistake about it, there's a lot of money at stake here.