Monday, June 25, 2007

Salem Mall Visits Today

To all of you that work by the Capital in Salem, I will be around today from noon until 3 dropping off the fliers for Thursday and Fridays actions. If you don't see me during that time you can call my cell phone 503-830-1201 and I will try to catch you. If we don't touch bases make sure to copy the fliers below and put them on your bulletin board, or one better print them out and distribute to your coworkers. -Troy Barnard

Also remember another important round of coalition bargaining is tonight! (see below for details)


oz said...

Mac Daddy...

Do you have a pseudonym?

I thought you were Cameron McGinnis from Meacham Maintenance this post is by a Troy Barnard. If you post on the blog I thought you posted your original ideas and actions but I guess unless you changed your name Troy Barnard you weren't that masked man my friend in the T-Building saw passing out the fliers on the Mall 06/25/07.

BTW is this your cell phone number or Troy Barnard's? I'd really like to get a chance to visit with you but I think you'd have a (541) prefix.

Troy said...

Again, this is my mistake, I gave Mac my original account and made a new one for myself. Hence all my old posts are under his name. From now on there should be consistency on what posts are from whom. And to answer the last question my cell phone number is the 503-830-1201 one. If you email Mac at odotmac@hotmail you can get in touch with him.