Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are you registered?

Don't know?

Check here

The deadline in Oregon is October 14th.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bargaining Surveys

Hey ODOT - Bargaining Surveys are making their way around the state. They are due on September 30th, so the rush is on! If you do not have a paper copy but have ideas please go to the form online and fill it out. We will be discussing these surveys September 27th in Roseburg, so please sign up for that meeting ASAP!!! Look forward to meeting with you all.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Labor Day Picnic (ODOT Style)

SEIU 503,

Thanks to phenomenal service and support, we had a wonderful and successful Labor Day picnic. This year we decided to grill food in our area of the park for those SEIU Members and their families in attendance. Over 900 people were served hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, chips and sodas.

Because of the generosity of ODOT Local 730, Homecare Workers Union Local 99, Oregon Commission for the Blind Local 585, NWREL Local 905, some lucky members received prize gift cards, totaling $470.00, for Gas, Groceries, Home/Hardware, and Household goods. I would also like to extend thanks and apologies to those Locals who wished to make donations but (due to no fault of their own) were unable to do so.

I extend the utmost appreciation to Tammy McGee, Kermit Meling, Dennis Wineburg, (All members of ODOT Local 730) as well as their families (and mine!) who gave up their Holiday to staff this wonderful event!

Jason Kramer

Monday, September 8, 2008

Statewide Officer Elections

Hi All,
Here is everything you ever wanted to know about the SEIU, Local 503 Statewide Officer elections: