Monday, July 2, 2007


It is time for TMCs to attend central table bargaining to push for their selective. See Kirk Lock, TMC Pendleton for more information. His email


oz said...

Mac Daddy,

Why was the TMS 2 selective to a SR19 not bargained to include the whole transportation maintenance series during last contract negotiations?

This played right into management's hand to divide and conquer by accepting the increase bargained without the whole transportation maintenance series included. You are always supposed to bargain all of a series of workers (transportation maintenance) together.

When the TMOC's (Dispatchers and Comet Crews) and TMC's were created it took two years to get them to SR19 where they should have been; a step ahead of the TMS 2's. When the TMS 2's went to a 19 the TMC's and TMOC's should have been bargained right along with them and respectively gone to SR20...Who accepted that inequality to accept one group in the series to equal the other in pay that round of bargaining? It is going to be extremely tough sledding to get the TMOC's and TMC's back where they belong after last contract's boondoggle.

The other folks in the series, at the bottom of the heap are the TMS 1's (Landscape). They should have been included in the same series of bargaining and gone from SR17 to SR18. The mess and inequality would not be present now if it were done correctly last contract.

Three or four contracts ago SR 19 was in the TA for the TMS 1's. When it came time to sign the agreement DAS stated that was a typographical error. OPEU, SEIU 503 under Executive Director Alice Dale filed an Unfair Labor Practice, rightly so. However, rather than take out the whole of SEIU on strike for a step increase for nearly 1000 Highway Maintenance workers the ULP was dropped and the TA signed. Then the Bargaining Team reccommended a yes vote to accept the agreement rather than strike...Go figure.

The big union just wants ODOT Local 730's $1.75 million per year dues without getting us the kind of money and representation we pay for.

Stronger together? What about our ODOT sisters and brothers?

Troy said...

From my understanding each classification is bargained separately. However, TMS I's and II's are the same classification and they are stuck together. TMC's are fighting hard to make sure they win their selective and get back to a range that they feel deals with the compression issues. It's similar to how the Machinists were reclassed 2 years ago up to range 26 and left the HEM's way below. They HEM's are fighting hard to get back to where they feel they should be relative to the Machinists. I'm sorry I cannot speak to the TMS I typographical error. But I looked up the TMS I's and I believe there are about 51 in the state. Plus 800+ TMS II's.

Anonymous said...

Oz is right. If you are going to play hardball, then you better understand the rules of the game. Never, and I mean never, allow the state to pull out separate SRs instead of adjusting the whole series. This is a classic example of manipulation in collective bargaining. Hold fast on dealing with the entire series and force a classification "maintenance study." ODOT will likely say that they cannot do this without DAS approval. BS! They do it all the time. Push the director Garrett. He's as soft as they come. Go for the political angle and he'll cave. It's his style - weak.

Step up to the leadership challenge or step aside.

ODOT Past Pres said...

In answer to Oz's question about the 05-07 contract and selectives. The ODOT coalition bargaining & the ODOT issues at the central table got messed up when we lost most of our bargaining delegates in the middle of bargaining.
A weighmaster, people from DMV, and an Office Specialist from Lawnfield finished the bargaining for US. Most of these folks had no prior experience. They were ODOT workers who came to watch & support the bargaining process and were recruited to finish the negociations.
My memory of the 05-07 contract is that we lost no language; the article 33.3 meal allowance increased; article 122 dollars increased and an one hundred and seventy-five dollar annual rain gear allowance was added; and there were a number of good selectives.
What I hope the 05-07 bargaining cycle would teach us is that things happen unexpectedly. OUR Local needs more active members to be more effective, to be more flexible. I'm not talking about more 503 organizers. More 730 members like Oz and Longtime who carry our institutional memory. We need new employees to work along side them to learn Our history and why things work the way they do.