Thursday, July 12, 2007

Leadership II Training

Portland. Friday 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. If you can make it let me know and I will try to make sure we have enough food ready. If you're not in the area but are interested in the trainings please check the SEIU 503 website for locations closer to you. I am mostly announcing this particular one because I am helping facilitate it and right now I don't know of any ODOT folks that are attending. Hope to hear from you soon about it. My work cell phone is 503-830-1201. If you have questions about this training or updates on bargaining issues, feel free to call. I am sitting in on central table bargaining tonight and will post updates as different issues are addressed. Earlier we put a package proposal with 4 non-core economic issues (including OT, governors day, workers comp, and I believe bereavement leave)... I'll let you know about their responses.

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