Thursday, July 19, 2007

Reclass, Selectives and COLA

This is my best attempt to explain both the reclasses and selectives and how they fit with the first year cola. If you see any mistakes, please let me know as soon as possible to avoid frustrations.

Your new salary can be calculated by taking your current salary and multiply by 1.03 (3% cola). If you make below 2667 you will receive an 80 dollar cola instead of 3%. This will apply to the majority of ODOT workers – TMS’, Office Specialists, MCEO, Electricians, etc. The following exceptions are below:

  • If you have gone through a selective (see under SELECTIVES).
  • If you have gone through a reclassification (see under RECLASS)

Some useful definitions:

Selective – A selective is a classification of workers (i.e. Transportation Maintenance Coordinator) changing from one salary range to another. Example: The Transportation Maintenance Coordinators getting a one range increase.

Least Cost Implementation – When a group has won a selective the change to the new range is done by putting the worker at their current salary, unless the current salary does not exist in the new range, and in this case is put at the closest step.

Reallocation and Reclassification – When DAS re-classes different job classifications the worker is put in the class DAS feels is the most appropriate including new and revised classes. If the reallocated worker feels the new allocation is not appropriate they can follow the procedure under article 81 to remedy the situation.


TOS and TMC members who won their selective increase will see a one range increase from their current level. This means if you are at range 19 step 4 you would be moved to range 20 step 3. These selective increases only change the money for those currently at step one of their current range who would move to step 1 of the new range. Everybody will receive the cola raise and move up one range and down one step.

Traffic Survey Interviewers: Have been increased from salary range six to salary range eight. Also they will be advanced with the living wage proposal which cuts off the first three steps of salary range eight beginning November 1st, 2008. An example is a worker at the 2nd step of range 6 would be moved to the 1st step of range 8 and would get an 80 dollar cola. This would increase this worker from 1468 to 1591 starting July 1st, an 8% increase. After November 1st, this worker will be increased to 1847. This would be an increase of over 25%.


The following classifications’ changes will be implemented October 1st, 2007. All changes in salary ranges will be done on a least cost implementation. Final allocations for individuals are not yet determined and all the following information is for the salary ranges of the new classifications.

Heavy Equipment Technician I’s: Currently at range 19T these folks will be moved to range 23T. On the current salary schedule there is no range 23T; but you can expect the T range to fall between a range 23 and 24. Right now the topped out HET I’s are at 3449. Under the re-class these folks will go to the step 5 of the newly created range 23. This is done least cost so these folks will continue to make 3449, plus the 3% cola increase. My calculator tells me this brings them to 3552. Workers at the other steps will be increased to the new 1st step in this range as well because their current salary will no exist on the new range. This means they will get an immediate raise on October 1st and will thus start making 3552. Because of this immediate increase, their salary eligibility date will be changed to October 1st to reflect that increase. The next increase for HET I’s will be on their salary eligibility date (step increase) and then again on November 1st, 2008 with a 3.2% increase.

Heavy Equipment Technician II’s: Currently at range 22B, these employees will move to range 26B. A HET II at the top step, currently earning 3847, will move to the 5th step of range 26, as it is done least cost. The new salary for these mechanics will be 3962; reflecting the 3% cola. Also these employees will now be eligible for step increases on their salary eligibility date. The HET II’s at steps 5-8 will be moved from their current step to range 26B at step 5. For a HET II at the 5th step earning 3183 currently, they will start earning 3962 starting October 1st. For those into the numbers that is a 779 dollar monthly increase, or 24.5% increase over their current salary.

Parts Specialists I’s: If you are currently a Parts Supply Specialists I and II and you are moved into Parts Specialist I you can expect to move from salary range 10 and 14 to range 15. These are done least cost so if your current salary exists in the range 15 you will move to that step. I will do a few examples from both ends of the spectrums and one in between. For a current Parts Supply Specialist who gets moved to Parts Specialist I and is at the 9th step at range 14, earning 2649, would be moved to the 8th step of range 15, at 2649, plus the cola raise which would bring this worker to 2729. At the other end of the spectrum, a brand new Parts Supply Specialist I, currently earning 1613 at the 1st step of the 10th range, will be moved to the new range, and because the current salary does not exist in the new range will be moved to step 1 of range 15. This employee will now make 1963, plus the 80 cola raise putting them at 2043 beginning October 1st. This employee will have received a monthly raise of 430 dollars; which equals an increase of 26.65%. Everybody else will fall somewhere in between depending on what their previous classification was. If you get an increase due to your current salary not existing on the new range your salary eligibility date will change to this date of implementation on October 1st.

Parts Specialist II’s: For the Parts Supply Specialists who are allocated to Parts Specialists II the worker will be moved from range 16 to salary range 20. If you are at the top step at range 16 and you are moved to range 20, done least cost, you will now be at the fifth step earning 2903, plus a cola increase that will put you at 2990. For somebody at step 1, currently earning 2049 at range 16, will be increased to the 1st step of range 20 at 2420, plus the 80 dollar cola, putting these folks at 2500. This example shows an increase of 451 dollars or an increase of 22% starting October 1st.

Sign Technician Entry, and I’s: If you are currently a Sign Technician I and are moved into Entry you can expect to go from salary range 12 to salary range 15L. If a worker is currently at range twelve at step one, earning 1701, is moved to the first step of the new Entry classification, they can expect to be at 1913, plus the eighty dollar cola, putting them at 1993. This would be an increase of 17.2% beginning October 1st. For a person currently in the Sign Technician II classification who is allocated to the new Sign Technician I classification they would move from range 14 to range 19. I will put up two examples, one from both ends. Person ‘A’ is currently at step one of range 14 and is moved to step one of range nineteen. They currently started making 1837 a month and will be moved to 2258 (step one of range nineteen). In addition ‘A’ will receive the eighty dollar cola to put them at 2338. For person ‘A’ this would represent an increase of 21.7%. For person two they are currently at step 6 or range 14 and will be moving to their current salary in range 19. This will put them at step one of range 19, and after the cola raise will be at 2338. For ‘B’ this would be an increase of three and one half percent or eighty dollars a month.

Sign Technician II’s: If somebody is currently a Sign Technician III it would make sense they would be Sign Technician II’s in these revised classes, although we will not know who is where until reallocation data is in. However, based on that assumption a Sign Tech goes from range 16 to range 21. I will show three examples with person A and person B and person C: Person A is currently at step 9 of range 16, making 2717 would be moved to step three in range twenty-one and would earn after the cola increase 2798 (three percent increase from current). Person B is at step 1 of range 16 and currently earns 1999 a month. B would be moved to step 1 of range 21 and begin to earn 2480, plus the 80 dollar cola raise; which would put them at 2560. B will have gotten a 481 dollar increase or 24% increase. Person C is currently at step 3 of range 16, earning 2165, and will be moved to step 1 of range 21, bringing them up to 2560; an increase of 395 dollars or 18.2%.

Supply Specialist I’s and II’s: Supply Specialist I’s will be at range 14 which is the current range for Property Specialist II’s. If a Property Specialist II is allocated into this new classification they will not see any change resulting from the re-class on their salary. They will still get the cola raise of 3% or eighty dollars. If a Property Specialist III is allocated into Supply Specialist II they will go from range 16to range 20. If they are in step nine of range sixteen they will go from the current 2903, to step 5 at 2903 plus the cola increase that would put them at 2990. Another example would be somebody at the first step of range 16 who would be moved to the first step of range 20, going from 2049 to 2500 after cola; an increase of 451 dollars or 22%.

If there are any questions or mistakes please let me know either in the comments section (, or by email


Anonymous said...

Why are the three property specialist 2's in Support Services Storeroom the only three specialist 2's in the state that were NOT mapped over to supply specialist 2?

Anonymous said...

Here's what ODOT's putting out internally on the contract:

• Article 26 – shift differential increased from $0.50 to $0.75
• Article 23.3 – public complaint investigation allows employees right to submit information and provide evidence
• Article 27 –
 3% COLA with a minimum of $80 retroactive to 7/1/07 upon ratification; 3.2% COLA effective 11/1/08 with a minimum of $85.
 New classifications – Heavy Equipment Technician Entry SR 19L, Heavy Equipment Technician 1 SR 23T, and Heavy Equipment Technician 2 SR 26B; Supply Specialists 1 SR 14 and Supply Specialists 2 SR 20; Parts Specialist 1 SR 15 and Parts Specialist 2 SR 20; and Automotive Technicians 1 SR 17 and Automotive Technicians 2 SR 21.
 Selectives – Traffic Survey Interviewer from SR 6 to 8; Transportation Operations Specialist from 19 to 20; Transportation Maintenance Coordinator 1 from 20 to 21 and Transportation Maintenance Coordinator 2 from 21 to 22.
 Truncation of Lower Salary Ranges – Effective 11/1/08 the following steps will be removed from the salary ranges: SR 5 steps 1-6, SR 6 steps 1-5, SR 7 steps 1-4, SR 8 steps 1-3, SR 9 steps 1-2, and SR 10 step 1.
• Article 31 –
 Fully paid health insurance for full time employees for this year and fully paid up to a 12% increase for the following year. An increase of greater than 12% will result in a petition to the PEBB Board to cover the increase from reserves, if that method does not cover the increase there will be a reduction of the COLA increase or a delay of the COLA increase sufficient to cover the health insurance increase.
 Part-time subsidies were increased for part-time health insurance to maintain the current employee payment level as insurance costs increase.
• Article 33.3 A – Meal allowance for highway employees is clarified to describe the classifications it applies to and increases the amount from $8 to $12.
• Article 36 – ODOT's Letter of Agreement on special travel conditions will be rolled into the agreement with minor changes. Removes employees, other than traveling crews, from the mileage exclusion when on non-commercial per diem; gives employees the right to receive commercial lodging rates when directed to use commercial lodging; increases the rates for traveling crews from $47 to $64 and indexes it to the non-commercial rates in the DAS Travel Policy. DMV also no longer has the 15 mile buffer before paying travel time. When employees travel for relief they are on paid time.
• Article 40.3(d) Allows employees that respond to telephone calls at home outside his/her work schedule to receive compensation for actual time worked. Answering phone calls must be assigned by a management representative or their designee. Still must meet 15 minute rule.
• Article 57 – Bereavement Leave is a new benefit of 24 hours per family death.
• Article 66 – Vacation for employees with 25 or more years of service will accrue 27 days per year.
• Article 70 – Employees laid off who select to recall to a different geographic area will have the period of refusals reduced from 60 days to 15 days.
• Article 90.3 A section 2 (c) increases time to use alternate 8 hours of comp time for another pay period.
• Article 121.3 – Education, Training, and Development section 4, addition of language to allow an employee the right to complete an employee development plan and submit it to their manager for discussion.

• Article 122.3 A,B –
 ANSI required boots will be reimbursed up to $175 per biennium, an increase of $25.
 TMS’s and TMC’s will receive a clothing allowance of $225 per year, an increase of $50 per year.
 Section 4 replacement of prescription safety lenses or prescription safety glasses has been expanded to include all Transportation Maintenance Specialists 1 and 2.
 Mechanics tool reimbursement will be increased from $575 per biennium to $700 per biennium.
 LOA agreement for tool reimbursement: Mechanics may also use tool allowance to purchase raingear or protective clothing.
 LOA agreement to form a committee to develop criteria to identify positions in classifications of Electrician 1-3 and Facility Maintenance Specialist should be eligible for raingear and how the distribution of raingear will be administered.
• Criminal Records Check – gives the agency the right to check employees’ criminal records as provided by state or federal law or executive order and provides for placement if current employees are determined unfit.