We began ODOT Coalition bargaining at 6:30 pm with forty-plus Union members from a variety of agencies and coalitions present. We ended at 3:00 am with a large and representative group from ODOT Coalition agencies. Our thanks go to everyone who came, observed and contributed to making this bargaining session our most successful yet.
We were especially please to have with us Leslie Frane and Donna Glathar and to see some new faces on the State’s bargaining team as well. Craig Cowan, DAS Labor Relations Unit, led the State team and began negotiations by presenting us with a five-item package containing a mix of new, old and current proposed contract language. Our team also presented our own five-item package of proposals which marked some compromise on our part and served to move discussion forward. Our reaction to the State’s package was mixed: language dealing with ODOT work schedules was acceptable and our team felt that we could find compromises on filling of vacancies language and contract dealing with education, training and development. Our members identified some organizing opportunities for future use in the State’s proposals. Union members from Specials Coalition agencies who attended bargaining helped us clarify our thinking and our approach to these issues.
The State team later presented us with an additional five-item package which we reached tentative agreement on. Our language on client complaints was agreed to and we agreed to compromise language on overtime, penalty pay and filling of vacancies. We accepted current language on holiday scheduling.
During breaks we identified some core values we share: not settling at the Central Table until the ODOT Coalition contract is settled; finding agreement on protective gear, tools and boots; and bringing home a strong travel policy for our Coalition. We debated sending the travel policy to our
The State team then gave us two additional proposals—one package—dealing with uniforms, protective clothing and tools. Union members led a strong discussion on who gets and does not get boots and why these differences exist. The rain gear issues and uniform allowances we have been working on for several months also remain unresolved. Leslie Frane summarized our position on finding a fair and equitable travel policy for our Coalition and this became a much-needed back-and-forth between the teams. The State team heard our concerns.
Union members Hal Boldt, Cory McIntosh, Mike Scott, Kermit Meling, Jim Harvey, Roger Upshaw, Randy Davis, Mike Johnson,
Our next ODOT Coalition negotiations will be held on Monday, July 9. This promises to be a key and contentious session which should deal with all of our outstanding issues listed above. We need strong participation from workers at ODOT, DMV, Forestry, Parks, State Fair and Fish and Wildlife in order to win on our issues. And we need our supporters from other agencies with us for moral support and help.
We will meet at 5:00 pm at our Salem Union hall for dinner and a meeting and start negotiations at 6:30 pm at the ODOT HR center on
So what "language dealing with ODOT work schedules was acceptable"? If it's been TA'd, it would be nice to know what it is. Details please.
Hey Troy, I asked a question here. Do we get an answer or not?
So what "language dealing with ODOT work schedules was acceptable"? If it's been TA'd, it would be nice to know what it is. Details please.
You don't need to post this if it makes it less messy. Just please get us an answer.
the only changes TA'd on 90.3A were to give an extra month to take off a missed holiday and also striking the last sentence that excludes 3 shift/24 hour operations... otherwise the language is intact. I'll post all the TA's language changes on monday.
The article 90.3A Section 2 (c), page 52 of the current (brown) contract. The change adds another pay period to find a day "mutually agreed" day to take off.
Please cool your jets. The people who have been doing the bargaining are the logical ones to answer these questions (this includes Troy for coalition bargaining). Two of the last three bargaining sessions have gone until past 3am which eats up two work days; then we resume our regular day job. I spend Sunday traveling back to Salem for two more days.
The Central table bargaining guys and gals have lately been bargaining three days a week.
I want the blog to be a success. I want the communication to happen with our Local quicker. I am not going to drop everything to have instant answers.
Add to that my lack of skill with blogs and I'm in trouble. mac
Cameron M McGinnis
ODOT Local 730
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