Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Con DOT and ODOT

There are two approaches to take on the growing amount of work to be done on our roads and transportation systems. 1) we can get more ODOT employees, much like Connecticut is doing or 2) you can contract out. I got a feasibility report today that costs taxpayers over 2 million dollars MORE to contract the job out rather than having ODOT employees do the work. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frankly, there is not enough specific information here to reasonably say one way or the other. There are many variables that must be considered. I think some work does lend itself to being contracted out while other work is best done by departmental employees. I do not mean to be disrespectful to the SEIU position on this subject, which does in part have merit. However, seldom in life does one size fit all. In this matter as well it makes much more sense to critically examine all of the related issues and make informed decisions, as opposed to simply following entrenched ideological positions.