Monday, April 30, 2007

Purple Shirts

One of the best (and easiest) ways to show your support for bargaining is by wearing your SEIU t-shirts on Tuesdays. They are purple to stand out, and you want your manager to notice. We want management to get the message that 1% raises won't cut it. If your crew does not have shirts yet, let me know and I will get them as soon as I can. If you do have purple shirts, make sure to wear them when I come by and I can take a picture for you. Together we can make sure the folks in Salem get the message. A great example of standing up for fairness is out as Cascade Locks Maintenance. They decided to circulate a petition that highlights pay inequities and calls for the implementation of their selective salary increase. If you are doing Actions, let me know and we can share your ideas for others.

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