Sunday, December 16, 2007

June 2009 Extra Step Increase

Here is some unexpected good news from Leslie Frane, the executive director of our SEIU 503, OPEU, in Salem. mac

A New Extra Salary Step for DAS Workers!
On Dec. 13, 2007, SEIU, AFSCME and the State of Oregon reached a special agreement. It states that effective 6/30/09, an extra step will be added to the top of every salary range in the SEIU & AFSCME DAS bargaining units, and the bottom step will be eliminated.

This agreement guarantees that workers at the top step of their salary range as of 6/30/09 will get an extra step on their next salary eligibility date. Workers at the lowest step in their range on 6/30/09 will move to the next step immediately.

In the long run, it means an extra step for every state worker!

In October, Governor Kulongoski announced special raises for managers and agency heads, based on "recruitment and retention problems." We contacted the Governor and demanded that he take recruitment and retention problems just as seriously when they affect front-line workers. As a result of these demands, the Governor stepped up and did the right thing. He agreed to the additional step for all DAS workers represented by SEIU and AFSCME.
Congratulations to all bargaining unit members for this victory, and happy holidays to all!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like this is too little, too late, probably a me-too from AFSCME's negotiations. Of course it's better than a sharp stick in the eye, but 2009?

And what will management want to extract in the next contract? Probably better to report it with grim satisfaction that we at least got this but no big talk about victory. Two years to this raise for topped out and new hires after the raises management got immediately isn't tasting a heckuva lot better than nothing to too many of our brothers and sisters and sounds like braggadocio which fuels cynicism.

There should be NO question we don't see this as a balancing act for management's unconsciounable raises after our contract was put to bed.

Anonymous said...

You wrote: "We contacted the Governor and demanded that he take recruitment and retention problems just as seriously when they affect front-line workers."

Do you really believe you got this because you "demanded" it or because the Governor in his good graces voluntarily "gave" it to you because he thought it was the fair thing to do? To say you "demand" anything gives your self too much credit, I think. I agree with the first post that there is a tad bit too much brag here. And, for those of us in the middle of the salary range, this amounts to nothing.

Anonymous said...

For comparison/what it's worth, here's AEE's contract settlement summary:

State of Oregon/AEE 2007-09 Agreement
Summary of Changes

Term of Agreement(4)

Agreement effective July 1, 2007 or such date the agreement is signed whichever is later and expires June 30, 2009. Bargaining for a successor agreement starts on January 2, 2009 or on another day as agreed upon by the parties.


The Agency will give written notice to the Association within fourteen (14) calendar days of reporting allocations to DAS in the event the Agency allocates bargaining unit employees into new/revised classes not covered in the Association’s bargaining unit.

Trial Service(30)

Clarifies that employees serve a trial service period when they accept a lateral transfer inside the Agency. Eliminates the trial service requirement for demoted employees. (section 1). Trial service may be extended when an employee is on leave with pay for fifteen (15) days or more(section 2). Employees not successful in lateral transfer trial service within their own Agency has rights back to their former classification(section 7).

Grievance Procedure(36)

If the parties agree to meet to discuss a grievance and the employee works in a different location that is different than where the meeting will be held with the supervisor or other designated Employer/Agency representative or is otherwise unable to attend, then the meeting will be held by telephone. (section 6)

Where the meeting is held in person at the Association’s request, the employee who attends shall use accrued vacation, personal leave day, compensatory time off or leave without pay. (section 8).


Adds new accrual rate of 27 work days per year for employees having more than 25 years of service. Effective September 1, 2007.

Leave of Absence With Pay(46)

Allows employees sixty (60) years old or older or forty five (45) years old and within five (5) years from his/her chosen retirement date to take up to twenty eight (28) hours of leave to pursue bona fide pre-retirement counseling. (section 2).

Leave Without Pay(47)

Establishes that subject to Agency operating requirements employees shall be granted leave without pay of not less than three (3) months and no more than one (1) year to work for the Association. Minimums and extensions of leaves are subject to mutual agreement.

A shorter period of time of no less than two (2) weeks may be requested and release shall be subject to Agency operating requirements so long as there is sufficient notice given and there is no increased cost to the Agency (i.e. penalty payments, overtime). Upon return, the employee shall be returned to the same class and same work location as held when the leave was approved. The Agency shall attempt to place the employee into their former position if such accommodation is possible.

Donation of Leave Time(49)

Employees can donate accrued vacation or compensatory time off hours to a co-worker in a different executive branch state agency. To donate to a specific executive branch state agency employee, the employee must submit a written request to his/her appointing authority and that such donation requires approval of both the donor and recipient’s appointing authorities.


Across the Board Increases: 3% effective July 1, 2007 and 3.2% effective November 1, 2008.

Selective Salary Adjustments: Effective October 1, 2007 the following adjustments are made: Engineering Specialist 1 (SR16 to SR 17); Engineering Specialist 2 (SR21 to SR 22); Geologist 2 (SR 25 to SR26); Environmental Program Coordinator 2 (SR 27 to SR28); Geotechnical Drilling Specialist 1 (SR17 to SR 18); Geotechnical Drilling Specialist 2 (SR 19 to SR 20); Communications Systems Analyst 1 (SR 23 to SR24); Communication Systems Analyst 2 (SR 25 to SR26); Communications Systems Analyst 3 (SR27 to SR28); Facilities Engineer 1 (SR25 to SR27); Facilities Engineer 2 (SR27 to SR 29); Facilities Engineer 3 (SR 29 to SR31); Adjustments are on a least cost implementation basis.

ODOT Use of NRS Series: Deletes restriction on ODOT using the Natural Resource Specialist series to allocate positions.

Addition of Information Services Specialist Series to Compensation Plan: Adds the class series to the Association compensation plan for use by Agencies.


Employer fully pays premiums for 2007 and 2008. Employer increases contributions up to 12% for 2009. Should rates exceed the Employer contribution, then the parties will jointly petition PEBB to use reserve funding to support any premium increases above 12%. If premium increases that exceed 12% are not covered by PEBB, the Employer will provide notice to the Association with the Association providing written notice which of the following two options to implement: Option #1: the 3.2% salary schedule adjustment scheduled for November 1, 2008 shall be reduced by 0.25% for each 1% increase in premiums over 12%. Option #2: the 3.2% salary schedule adjustment for November 1, 2008 shall be delayed by a period of months sufficient to cover the unanticipated increases.

Employer continues to pay the current part time subsidy for eligible part time employees who participate in the part time plan through December 31, 2007 at the following rates:
Employee Only: $181.72; Employee and Family: $233.84; Employee and Spouse: $231.06; Employee and Children: $206.60. For Plan Year 2008-09 the subsidy will be paid at an amount so that employees will continue to pay the same out of pocket premiums costs that were in effect for Plan Year 2007. If the employee changes from one tier to another or changes plans pursuant to PEBB rules, his/her out of pocket premium costs will be adjusted to reflect the appropriate plan year’s out of pocket premium costs for his/her new tier.

Travel Expenses/Mileage/Moving Allowances(59)

Adopts DAS Travel Policy on meal eligibility for Department of Forestry employees traveling to a fire or other emergency site. (Meal Per Diem During Non Overnight Travel). Travel status begins when the employee departs from his/her official station and ends upon the employee returning to his/her official station.

HRSD Policy 40.055.10 (current employee relocation) will apply to bargaining unit employees.

Increases Miscellaneous Expense Reimbursement to $5000 for relocation expenses.


Changes section 8(C)(Forestry Only) from an employee being allowed to accumulate a maximum of 80 hours in a fiscal year to maintaining a maximum of 80 hours regardless of the fiscal year.

Protective Clothing/Uniforms(64)(Forestry Only)

Increase boot allowance from $300 per biennium to $350 per biennium. Increase tool allowance for Communications System Analysts from $150 per fiscal year to $450 per biennium.

Contracting Out(New)(ODOT Only)

The parties will establish a Labor/Management Committee to meet periodically to discuss contracting out and its effect upon the bargaining unit. Each side will have 3 members.

New Letters of Agreement

LOA#4(Leadwork Differential): Establishes 5% leadwork differential for the Office of Procurement inside of ODOT. Eligibility criteria listed to qualify for the differential.

LOA#5(Squaring of Compensation Plan): Effective January 1, 2008 the compensation plan will be reconfigured by using SR34 Step 7 and calculating steps below and above that range and step so that there is five percent (5%) between steps in all salary ranges. Implementation procedures outlined in how the new plan is applied.

LOA#6(Protective Clothing/Raingear)(Forestry): By March 15, 2008, the Agency’s Labor/Management Committee will meet to: 1) establish types of protective clothing/raingear to be provided by the Agency, 2) develop criteria to identify what field position should be eligible for the protective clothing/raingear, and, 3) establish how the distribution of protective clothing/raingear will be administered.

LOA #7(Protective Clothing/Raingear)(Transportation): Establishes a Labor/Management Committee to: 1) establish types of protective clothing/raingear to be provided by the Agency, 2) develop criteria to identify what field positions should be eligible for protective clothing/raingear, and, 3) establish how the distribution of protective clothing/raingear will be administered. Work will be completed by March 15, 2008.

LOA#8(Appeal Procedure for Overtime Exemptions): Establishes appeal procedure for the Association to be provided written notice of changes to an employee’s overtime eligibility. Outlines procedures for the Association to appeal Agency determinations.

LOA#(none)(New Top Step): Deletes first step and adds new top step to all salary ranges in the unit effective June 30, 2009 at 11:59PM. Step increases for eligible employees on their salary eligibility date.

Deleted Letters of Agreement

LOA#7 (Forestry Employee Relocation Policy
LOA#9 (Step Freeze)
LOA#10(Lump Sum Payment)
LOA#12(Additional Step Increase)
LOA----(Letter of Intent/Implementation Procedure for the Elimination of PE Differential

Retain Current Letters of Agreement

LOA#1)Traffic Systems Technician Differential
LOA#5(Reimburseable Moving Expenses)(renumbered to LOA #2)

Revised Letters of Agreement

LOA#11(Part Time Insurance Premiums)(renumbered as LOA #3)

Letters of Agreement incorporated into Agreement

LOA #6 (Association Email)
LOA#4(Sick Leave Not Counted Toward Overtime)
LOA#8(Employer Payment of Legal Defense)
LOA#2(Allocation Appeal Procedure)