Monday, October 8, 2007

No SEIU Presidential Endorsement.... Will be made State-by-State

I'm amazed, what do you think?

Here is the article...


Anonymous said...

I personally would rather see one of the D's elected, ANY of the D's elected over ANY of the R's ('cept maybe Paul -- just for his war stance -- but I think SEIU 503 should avoid any endorsement. Specifically, do NOT endorse Hillary. She is not just not liked but PNG to a large segment of ODOT workers and it does us no good as a union to tick off rank and file thataway.

Remember NAFTA? Clintons. That p*sses me off as a liberal and a labor supporter. Does the same for conservative labor supporters and on top of that, they've got a visceral dislike for her for a host of other reasons (not a lot of which I agree with but still, just sayin...the downside if we really want to unite workers for workers issues is bigger than any conceivable upside.

Anonymous said...

SEIU should endorse Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that SEIU didn't endorse Hillary in the primary. My personal choice is Edwards but I'm sure this is a continuing way in which we alienate fellow workers with endorsements/money. Who believes that our members won't vote with their best judgment on who's best without our endorsement whether or not we give one and that our unity doesn't suffer needlessly as a result of our endorsing candidates rather than bread and butter issues?