Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Reclass Presentations

Right now the Custodians are presenting to management about the results of the Hayes study. Management has proposed they go from salary range 10 to salary range 7. Taking a group of state workers and attempting to move them further in poverty. Another group that management is trying to deny the selective for is the Traffic Survey Interviewers. They're currently at salary range 6! They're attempting to go to range 9, which is still very low. The state thinks 6 is 'market' value. If you're not pissed off about this then you're not paying attention. WE MUST ACT! Do we need to show up on the Directors door or what? Your thoughts?

Update I: HEM's are up... Jay Burkert is discussing some of the distinguishing skills of HEM's. He is talking about recruitment problems and the 8 open positions currently within just ODOT. Some of the faces I see in the room today are Kirk Spindler, Rex Parks, Jerry Noble, Jim Cooper, Dennis Bonono, Roger Upshaw, and maybe 5 or 6 others. Rex is discussing some of the complexities of his job and the use of computers.


ODOT Past Pres said...

Dennis B is talking about machinists went from 19s to 26s and how it doesn't make sense that HEM's wouldn't go up similarly. Also he brought up how same study in other states gave a higher number.

ODOT Past Pres said...

Donna Glathar is getting the proposals to management on these groups